
Roseville, MN
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

In retirement I am an amazing volunteer for children's gardening. I teach about organic gardening, healthy eating and returning resources to the earth not landfill. My commitments include finding free, clean soil and compost, plants and seeds, plant supports and natural insect/disease solutions. Next week the children, staff and I will feast on our early corn as well as a salad from our garden. My favorite garden this year is an American Indian Montessori site.

Why are you participating?

Firstly, I am participating out of my respect for Troy Thompson and his creation of this amazing project.
For myself, I am participating because I have a long association with the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association. We come together in support of PEACE irrespective of our race, religion or cultural beliefs. I hope to bring this project to Malaysia later this summer.