
Tell Us Your Good Deed

I was the crazy cat lady in the neighborhood. Had spare kittens? I took them and vaccinated them and spayed them. Had annoying strays? I took them in and socialized them until they were ready for adoption. Those that were feral and weren't able to be adopted, I fed and watered and took to the vet as needed.

Why are you participating?

I thought this was a really neat way to say behind the labels we are all just people doing the best we can for ourselves and our fellow beings on this Earth. I'm a radical, and part of the radicalness I aim to achieve are radical acts of kindness that go beyond what a person expects. To find that there are more people also doing this restores in part my faith in my fellow humanity. I spend a lot of time with homeless populations and see firsthand the abuse society piles upon them, so my main acts of radical kindness are extended, without judgment, to them.