
Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Helping to bring peace and understanding between Jews and Palestinians through music.

Why are you participating?

I am Jewish. For far too long there has been conflict in the Middle East. Jews and Palestinians need to find a way to talk together, to live together, and to be in peace together. I don't ask anyone to take one side or the other...Be on the side of humans - we are all human and as such we need to find ways to 'love our neighbors as ourselves'. We need not think of those that are different form us as "other". We need to find a way to stand together as human beings and live in and work towards peaceable communities, neighborhoods, countries and world. Labels breed assumptions. Rather than jump to a conclusion about me by my labels or by how I look, ask me who I am. And tell me who you are. Our curiosity about each other will be the foundation for connection and love and understanding.