
Waltham, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I inspire others to connect heart and head and work for the healing of our world.

Why are you participating?

Labeling doesn't help anything. Labeling is a nasty shortcut that partitions the world into 'me' and 'other', creating barriers to listening and understanding. In fact, the labeling that I do of myself simply serves to cut me off from the wondrous complexity of who I really am, stifling what I could contribute to helping others. Labeling also perpetuates the myth that we are separate from one another and from Earth. Our society is on a tragic trajectory fueled by consumption, greed and disillusion that is destroying other beings and our precious Earth. In order to shift this trajectory - so we can realize our full potential in a life-sustaining society - let's drop the labels, open up and listen - really listen - to ourselves and others.

Our collective wisdom is the powerful medicine our world needs.