Berlin, MA 01503
United States
Organized a social-distancing sidewalk chalk art festival for my co-housing neighbors of all ages.
As a member of a co-housing community, I've been fortunate to have beautiful land to enjoy, spaces for gardening and play, fresh eggs from chickens, etc. while sheltering in place, and I walk our outside labyrinth every day. Things I've been doing while sheltering-in-place include: drawing Zentangle tiles, writing, reading, playing my musical instruments, painting, dancing, singing, Buddhist meditation and virtual Sangha gatherings, completing online classes, attending online UU services, among others. I believe that if we use the time we have to care for our own wellbeing and for the good of others, and to offer prayers for the safety of others, and for those affected by injustice and discrimination, the world will slowly shift for the better. Gratitude is essential. Kindness matters. Sending love to you all!