Worcester, MA
United States
Just about everything I do is about family and children. As a Grandfather and Photographer, I have seen the struggles of others and try to donate all the time I can to organizations such as "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" and the "March of Dimes". The best reward is to see the smiles and feel the emotions of the families I have come to know and help along the way.
I do not like to advertise everything I do to help others. The smiles and positive emotions that have resulted are the best rewards. However, the world can be a difficult place at times and needs a place to turn to. This project, and this site, can be a centralized point of good and the good in others. Sometimes people need to know that there is good out here and the encouragement to be and do good themselves. Someone once said, "The world will not change me, it is up to us, to change the world". Even if that is one person, one day at a time. It is too easy to be overwhelmed with the negative around us. There needs to be a place to turn without evil.