MTA Summer Conference 2019 Workshop

Private Events

University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
United States

We will be running a workshop "PDT05 Building Cultural Competence with the No Evil Project" at this year's MTA Summer Conference at UMass Amherst! If you're a teacher attending the event, be sure to register for our workshop to learn how you can use the No Evil Project in your classroom.

Everyone is different, and that's a good thing. Too often though, we avoid talking about differences for fear of offending someone or being stereotyped ourselves, and that discomfort gets in the way of living and working together. But it’s possible to make these topics less taboo so we can learn from and understand each other better, by humanizing the labels that divide us, and looking beyond our differences to find labels or good deeds that we may have in common in a relaxed, non-confrontational atmosphere.

The No Evil Project is a nonprofit organization that uses art and humour to challenge stereotypes and help people find commonality and understanding despite cultural, socio-economic, religious, racial, gender, physical and mental health, occupational, political, and ethnic among other differences. It incorporates social justice and social-emotional learning, which can be utilized in schools seeking to promote and/or maintain positive climate and culture, as well as social change. The Project includes curriculum resources and activities including themes of identity exploration and anti-bullying, that teachers can bring back to their schools and classrooms, and encourages new conversations with both colleagues and students. This workshop will take teachers through the introductory lesson and activity, which includes photos, discussion and reflection. Come prepared to pose as the three wise monkeys and share your good deeds!

  • Project Run Photo Shoot
  • Project Speaker
  • Exhibit
  • Curriculum Activities
Event Team