
Tell Us Your Good Deed

I guess I try to do small 'good deeds' all the time. I feel that the little things always count. Something as small as holding a door for someone or smiling at them can make their day. One time when I hadn't thought much of it I was at Walmart in a small town in Vermont and there was a person behind me who only had one of those Campbell handshake soups and a drink and I let them go ahead of me. Little did I know they were late for class less than a block a way and they were quite appreciative. She and I had a small conversation and I really liked her earrings, she ended up telling me that she made them and was unsure of them. She then gave them to me as a thank you even though I told her she didn't need to.

Why are you participating?

As for my labels of choice I feel that those are reasons people may talk about me. I currently work for a non-profit organization where I am able to use all of these labels in my work. I am a peer support worker/peer outreach counselor. Unlike the traditional counselor I have been trained on how to use my personal experiences whether they be positive or negative to help someone through the paths they are currently in to make powerful and positive choice instead of negative ones. One is able to really say "I get it," as they have literally gone through it. I have been able to start a belly dancing group and work with an LGBTQQAS youth group ages 14-23 and help them be proud and confident of who they are and what they can achieve. One quote I love to sum things up, and to get away from labels that society may put on you comes from the movie 28 Days: "Never be somebody's slogan because YOU ARE poetry."