Fitchburg, MA
United States
Feeding street dogs.
Here is a collection of 6132 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!
2971 - 2980 of 6132
Fitchburg, MA
United States
Feeding street dogs.
Fitchburg, MA
United States
I helped a stranger.
I like helping others and promoting good things.
Fitchburg, MA
United States
I donate to charity.
Worcester, MA
United States
Volunteer at the Worcester Boys & Girls Boxing Club. Pull kids off the street and give them a fighting chance.
Fitchburg, MA
United States
Rescuing animals in need. I've adopted and donated to charities. Rescuing plants - I don't like seeing plants going to the garbage just because they stopped blooming. Planting my gardens so wild life can enjoy t! Plant some for me and some for them too.
It's the right thing to do!
Auburn, MA
United States
I painted a memorial painting to preserve my friend's legacy and donated it.
I feel your cause.
Leominster, MA
United States
I make people smile.
Leominster, MA
United States
I help animals in need.
I made a card for my mom on Mother's Day.
In Hawaii there was a bird who couldn't fly, so we brought it home and took care of it. I nursed it back to life.
Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!