Worcester Senior Center Exhibit Ribbon Cutting

Public Events

Worcester Senior Center - 2nd Floor
128 Providence Street
Worcester, MA 01604
Hoa Kỳ

Mark your calendars, we'll be unveiling our latest installation containing a wide variety of people from the Worcester Senior Center.

  • Welcome: Amy Vogel Waters, Director, Worcester Senior Center
  • Project Introduction: Troy B. Thompson, Creator & Executive Director, No Evil Project, Inc.
  • Remarks: Robin Lipson, Chief of Staff & Chief Strategy Officer, Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
  • Greetings: George Russell, City Councilor
  • Greetings: Sarai Rivera, City Councilor
  • City of Worcester’s Commitment to Diversity: Edward M. Augustus Jr.,City Manager
  • Let’s talk: Jayna L. Turchek, Esq., Worcester’s Director of Human Rights & Disabilities, ADA Coordinator
  • Ribbon Cutting
  • View the No Evil Project!
  • Meet and Greet with Officials & ELVIS!
  • Project Speaker
  • Community Speaker
  • Exhibit
  • Exhibit Reception