No Evil Project Photos Online Gallery

Here is a collection of 6130 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!

4491 - 4500 of 6130

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I empower youth to reach above and beyond what is in front of them and I love them back to life!

Why are you participating?

The message that this project sends forth is phenomenal!

Tell Us Your Good Deed

One good deed I was able to take part in was to feed the less fortunate. On a cold thanksgiving day, my children and I volunteered for a program and we delivered thanksgiving dinner to elders and families in need.

Why are you participating?

There is a verse in the bible that says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21). I truly believe in this. I believe that everyone is capable of doing "good" things. Practicing and living a life of good deeds is a choice you make.

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I'm always doing something good, but I especially do good things for the community, like volunteering and contributing to events with my ROTC friends!

Why are you participating?

Despite all things that North has encountered this past year, I'm participating in this "No Evil" project because I think it's time us North High students and faculty show everyone that the perception they have of us is wrong!

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I have multiple good deeds that I perform daily. One of them is always being generous to my friends and giving freely to them and I think that's a good deed because being able to give and feel good about it is something very, very hard to do and so when someone is able to do it, it's highly appreciated. Another one is always sticking to myself, not letting anyone else's idea of how I should be make me who I am and I think that's a good deed because it's important to not be negatively influenced.

Why are you participating?

I am participating because it's a way to share my labels with others and what I want them to know about me in just a matter of three labels. Also, it's important for people to label themselves with things that they feel good about or that they feel confident enough to share.

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