Sutton, MA
United States
Being very kind to flight attendants (especially on 6:00 AM flights).
Here is a collection of 6132 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!
6071 - 6080 of 6132
Sutton, MA
United States
Being very kind to flight attendants (especially on 6:00 AM flights).
Worcester, MA
United States
I try my best to be there for my close friends and family in hard situations. I often make it my goal to make them smile, laugh and help them forget about what they are going through (even if it's for a brief moment). I make it a point to be very optimistic and try to ensure others that tomorrow is a new day and, if things are rough, it will pass and get better.
Everyone has good in them and everyone is different. I'm proud to live in such a diverse world. HATE and labels make for such wasted energy. Peoples' differences are beautiful and encouraging.
Worcester, MA
United States
Today I saved 8 baby ducks that had fallen down a sewer drain
Because the voices in my head told me to
Fitchburg, MA
United States
Adopted a rescue dog from Puerto Rico
Worcester, MA
United States
I am a residential director of a locked residential program for adolescent trauma victims. My daily role is to help these adolescents be more than their mental health diagnosis. I encourage them to say, "I struggle with cutting" rather than "I am a cutter." Changing their language is healing and powerful and has the power of transformation! They are incredible young adults with incredible futures and I'm honored to work with them.
I think the project is an amazing idea and encourages people to revive the sense of community.. Care about others as we want to be cared for!
Worcester, MA
United States
When I do my job as a Home Care CNA I like to do the extra "little" things for my patients like working on their hair, making special meals for them, listening to their stories about their lives... anything that helps to make them feel "alive" again.
Because it is a great chance to express my feelings about labels. Being a Brazilian woman coming to the United States I have been accused of looking for marriage solely for the purpose of obtaining my green card.
Framingham, MA
United States
I smile everyday at the person I buy coffee from.
Rutland, MA
United States
I make time for each of my grandchildren and make them individually feel special and loved.
Bar Harbor, ME
United States
I was an afterschool program volunteer in several local homeless shelters for 3 years.
Worcester, MA
United States
I volunteer at Girls Inc. of Worcester 2 days a week.
Because I am not evil.
Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!