No Evil Project Photos Online Gallery

Here is a collection of 6130 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!

5571 - 5580 of 6130

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Every year I make sure my mom gets a Christmas and Birthday gift because my dad usually forgets, and my siblings are to young and too teenage to care.

Why are you participating?

Not only do I fence, I also love the whole art of fighting and just how noble and amazing it can be, which is not exactly how everyone feels about it. Also, I hate when people touch my hair, which is a cause for jokes, and few bookworms are appreciated in life.

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Last year I participated in Relay for Life. One of my best experiences thus far and I plan on participating again this year.

Why are you participating?

Judging and labels. Why are people so quick to form negative opinions of each other?! I'm guilty of worrying what others think of me. This is a way to breakaway from those constraints. I'm me with no apologies or regrets. :D

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

My school had a craftathon, and a boy in my class had a giant paper star that my class made and it got smushed, and he started crying, so I gave him mine.

Why are you participating?

Because my brother and dad did it and they recommended it and it sounds fun

Southbridge, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I aim to be a good Father, raising responsible, free thinking, informed, polite and caring Children. I endeavor to bring joy through the performance of music, and I give the best hugs ever, so I am told, so there's joy in that too. :)

Why are you participating?

Because I think this is a very novel way of expressing that though we are all so varied as individuals, we are at the core one thing: human. Profound.

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

When I went to China for vacation over the Summer, I gave money and a smile to just about every homeless person I saw.

Why are you participating?

I think that this project is important in a world where competitiveness and seeking to individually get ahead is the mark of a successful person.

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