I stop to give directions to anyone who is having trouble reading a map.
Anxiety Stereotypes Redefined
I like to help people.
I transport rescue animals to their new homes.
I was the crazy cat lady in the neighborhood. Had spare kittens? I took them and vaccinated them and spayed them. Had annoying strays? I took them in and socialized them until they were ready for adoption. Those that were feral and weren't able to be adopted, I fed and watered and took to the vet as needed.
I thought this was a really neat way to say behind the labels we are all just people doing the best we can for ourselves and our fellow beings on this Earth. I'm a radical, and part of the radicalness I aim to achieve are radical acts of kindness that go beyond what a person expects.
Worcester, MA
United States
I am a dental assistant and get the chance to save people's smiles.
To show the world that everyone is beautiful.
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Helped an elder woman get to and from an event that had changed location.
Worcester, MA
United States
I participated in a community reading day at my high school and walked to elementary schools to read to young children and show their art work at my high schools homecoming.
One of my professors told me about the activity and I saw students holding a sign in Stein and I thought I should just take the opportunity to be helpful to the other students that needed it.
Worcester , MA
United States
I really try to be a good friend, and I think that actually means a lot. I call and keep long distance friendships going and I reach out to be there for those close-by. I remind them that no one can get through this life on their own - we all need support systems - and I try to be part of that. I hope that helps them - in some small way - thrive and continue to be good people. Whether they’re keeping our energy clean, our country free of hatespeech, our communities more climate resilient, our water clean, or our children well-educated...
Worcester, MA
United States
I work with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and make monthly donations to UNICEF (children). I feed the homeless at a community church ever 2nd Saturday of the month.
Labels given to me by others create a sense of "I know you" for them but does not represent who I am or even give a pixel of a full picture of me. Allow me to tell you who I am, what I label myself as and mainly why I'm using the label I chose to use for myself.
Beverly, MA
United States
I work at a nonprofit that supports individuals and families with developmental disabilities, autism, brain injuries, and mental health challenges.