Bella Vista, AR
United States
I volunteer for a non-profit group that advocates for architecture students nationally
Bella Vista, AR
United States
I volunteer for a non-profit group that advocates for architecture students nationally
San Jose, CA
United States
I gave $1.25 to a stranger who badly needed to use the payphone, but had no money to do so.
Willits, CA
United States
Stopped my best friend from suicide
The button
San Jose, CA
United States
After Hurricane Floyd, I helped elderly neighbors remove debris from their yards.
Worcester, MA
United States
I volunteered for earth day clean up at Newton hill! I tell my friends as often as possible not to litter. I want to keep our city clean and inspire others to as well.
Im very complex and unique, so I do not fit into specific lables or stereotypes. I inspire to be different and true to self.
Gardner, MA
United States
I read books to a blind man
San Salvador
El Salvador
Teaching adults how to read, write, and do basic math.
Lindenhurst, NY
United States
I have helped plot a fence line for a Worcester local park to establish an official border between residential and government property.
Northbridge, MA
United States
Nashua, NH
United States
Being kind to people. I always tend to help people even if I do not know them.