Handing out bags of things to the homeless.
Art Lover Stereotypes Redefined
I restarted the GSA at my highschool and helped make it a safe space.
I work hard to make safe creative space for youth.
Leominster, MA
United States
Accepting everybody the way they are and random acts of kindness.
Worcester, MA
United States
I help organize a festival of activist street bands, we bring free music to the streets to create joy and energy for progressive causes.
People are people, regardless of anything.
Narragansett, RI
United States
I volunteered to enter data for a campaign in the primaries for a friend.
I really like the work No Evil Project is doing in showing people aren't defined by their labels.
I have organized multiple youth orientated festivals and collaborated with a plethora of local organizations.
Worcester, MA
United States
Saved my little sister that was hanging off the balcony of the second floor.
Gave COVID vaccine
I wish no evil in word.
I give hugs and kisses
Being kind