Worcester, MA
United States
I will give my last meal to help someone hungry.
Why not! It doesn't hurt.
Worcester, MA
United States
I will give my last meal to help someone hungry.
Why not! It doesn't hurt.
I cook baked goods for my friends and family regularly.
Pick up trash around whenever I see it.
Ashburnham, MA
United States
Promoting equality and democracy in education through advocacy work in my job at a Sizer School in Fitchburg. Every person matters, every voice counts.
Where I work, we believe in THINK CARE ACT, a philosophy based on caring about yourself and others as well as acting creatively and responsibly in this world. The No Evil Project connects with this in so many ways.
Fitchburg, MA
United States
I'm always willing to lend an ear if one needs it.
To give voices to those who can't and show haters you can tried to knock me down but I will always get back up like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Princeton, MA
United States
Actually climbed up a 50 ft tree to save a cat... I do it professionally as a job.
Listening to others and helping with I can.
I spent six years volunteering at my local public library to give the same childhood experience as I had to local children.
I volunteer at a local hospital with hospice care / end of life care patients.
Volunteer with Special Olympics