Saved a fish in the lake.
It was funny.
Saved a fish in the lake.
It was funny.
Fitchburg, MA
United States
I was a volunteer for peace ..
Millbury, MA
United States
I always take the time to listen.
Worcester, MA
United States
Helping people.
Boston, MA
United States
I, along with my basketball players, held a food drive to help collect food to donate to homeless shelters and food pantries during the Thanksgiving season.
The more people that stand together with the No Evil Project, the more we can work as one to make the world that much better.
Blackstone, MA
United States
I sponsor a child from Albania with a monthly financial gift. I do this to give her a chance at a better life, to show her the kindness of a stranger and to model Jesus so she feels the love of God.
I am a high school art teacher and I have witnessed how labels can hurt or encourage. I'd like people to consider how their words impact others and how we attach judgments to labels.
Worcester, MA
United States
I am a surrogate mother to twin girls! I helped complete a family who needed me.
Springfield, MA
United States
Showing the same grace God gave to me to others and as a youth worker. I help mentor kids into becoming people!!
To show hope to others
Started a brand to remind women that they were created with a purpose in the eyes of God no matter what size they are or how they look.
Boston, MA
United States
I take care of my mom after she had a stroke and I give money to the homeless.
I like the project.