Arundel, ME
United States
Host boxing matches as a fight against substance abuse. Representing my people in an honorable way.
To honor all Indigenous people.
Arundel, ME
United States
Host boxing matches as a fight against substance abuse. Representing my people in an honorable way.
To honor all Indigenous people.
Helped my daughters with an art project
I love supporting underrepresented people
Weston, MA
United States
I provide access to educational opportunities - especially to those from marginalized backgrounds
Worcester, MA
United States
I'm a certified nurses assistant, and I love caring for people.
To destigmatize labels.
I bought gas for someone who had run out.
It looks fun! :-)>
Worcester, MA
United States
Worked hard to uplift the members of my team to go beyond what they saw in themselves.
Doing something out of my comfort zone.
Helping others along MY way.
Grafton, MA
United States
I started a company focused on giving charity to children in need.
I love this!
Acton, MA
United States
Rescued animals (snakes, birds, and other wild animals) from urban areas.
Every life is important and should get a chance to live. Due to urban development, humans are encroaching on places where these wild animals were living and instead of killing them, rescuing, and relocating gives them a second chance.
Local philanthropic organization leader
Cool project, that destigmatizes peoples natural self.