Spencer, CT 01562
United States
Keeping distance and keeping covered.
Spencer, CT 01562
United States
Keeping distance and keeping covered.
Waltham, MA
United States
I volunteer at a local soup kitchen.
To help spread kindness.
Worcester, MA
United States
Joy is brought to my life by helping others.
To show my support for the project
Ayer, MA
United States
I let people into traffic.
Boylston, MA
United States
I try to spread good will every day, whether by greeting someone with "Good morning" or "Good afternoon" or just sharing a smile.
I want the world to see that kindness is not lost, that real people with real hopes and dreams still exist, and the world is generally a good place, if we choose to make it so.
Waltham, MA
United States
Donated to a great group that helps young people find courage.
All around us, loud voices are telling us to be afraid of one another. I want to witness to the gift of diversity and my belief that people are infinitely beautiful in their complexity.
United States
Gave my morning coffee to a cold, homeless man who smiled and said hello.
I believe you can't judge a book by it's cover.
Pet adoption is my effort of doing good. To make a home for any being I can help is important to me.
Because there are labels that unite us and labels that divide us, but ultimately you can't know a person only by looking at them. You must be open enough to letting others show their real person within.
Boston, MA
United States
I take care of my mom after she had a stroke and I give money to the homeless.
I like the project.
Shaving grandfather's beard.