Grafton, MA
United States
Stood up for a friend that was being made fun of.
Grafton, MA
United States
Stood up for a friend that was being made fun of.
Worcester, MA
United States
I like to help others!
To make me a better person!
Worcester , MA
United States
I saved a mouse. While others kill them, I trapped it and with my mom's help, I brought it to the woods and saved it's life. When I set it free, it didn't want to go. I also cleaned the train without being asked and the conductor said I did awesome and gave me a prize.
I like to help all the time. I want others to help as well and tried to be nice to each other. Also, I would like people to do good things without being asked.
Feeds the homeless since age 3.
I volunteer at a food pantry
I like to make people feel pretty by giving them makeovers.
Worcester, MA
United States
I try to be happy with everyone I meet. :)
Because I want everyone to be nice to each other :)
I unpacked the dishwasher.
Worcester, MA
United States
My school had a craftathon, and a boy in my class had a giant paper star that my class made and it got smushed, and he started crying, so I gave him mine.
Because my brother and dad did it and they recommended it and it sounds fun
Worcester, MA
United States
I'm a really good baker and when I bake muffins or cookies or cakes and share them, it makes people feel good.
I think it's a good project that shows pictures of all different kinds of people and the good things they do!