Leo Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 41 - 50 of 61

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I practice love,kindness, forgiveness and top it off with a smile to get through everyday.

Why are you participating?

The world needs more love, peace and kindness and what we can do is give it with the hopes that others will follow suit ❤️

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I bring the homeless food every now and then

Why are you participating?

I thought it was a great project and was very excited to be a part of it. I'm all about being yourself and not passing judgment... Life is too short. We're all different and special in our own unique way. We all have a story

Rutland, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I love helping the community, and people in need. I love animals, and volunteer at the Sweet Pea animal shelter in Paxton, Massachusetts

Why are you participating?

I'm participating because the more people that volunteer for this project, the more likely the word of this project will go around.

Grafton, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I volunteer and foster cats / kittens. Last year I fostered 7 dogs. I get to fall in love 20+ times a day and make a homeless / abandoned / abused animal feel like a king or queen in my home! The love I receive back is amazing, especially at night when they are all sleeping on me! They make me feel so good!

Why are you participating?

Sometimes I can't watch the news because there seems to be so much bad stuff going on and I would like to believe their is more good than evil!!