I work with the community and several organizations.
I believe in the goodness of the project.
I work with the community and several organizations.
I believe in the goodness of the project.
Worcester, MA
United States
I'm a social person and I like getting to know people so when I saw someone sitting by themself at school, I sat next to them to talk to them so they wouldn't feel excluded, or alone.
Labels affect so many people so I thought that I would make a statement and try something new.
I taught one of the sellers at stART on the Street how to draw a frog.
I wanted my picture taken.
Leicester, MA
United States
I serve as a role model for my siblings
Words hurt. I want to see change. I don't want to go to school and hear slurs directed towards me or my peers anymore.
I help my younger brothers
Boylston, MA
United States
Sharing with others.
Making people smile.
Work in a kindergarten classroom the last 2 years! LOL!
Gave a homeless person $1
I save bugs from pools