Outdoorsperson Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 11 - 18 of 18

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

What is one good deed? I live my life with the goal of helping others and the world around me. Any act individually carries little weight except as a pebble along a much longer road I lay for myself. Some of my pebbles include being a Peace Corp Volunteer, managing a non-profit, picking up candy wrappers, and always being there for those I love.

Why are you participating?

I live my life with the hope that at the end of it I can say that I lived motivated by love, not fear.

Los Angeles, CA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

So there I was hitch-hiking across the country, hungry, tired, and nearly broke. I was seeking out the true face of America, making my own personal journey to find myself as well as a deeper meaning to life. I got dropped off in a major west coast city in southern California. I asked around where I could find a metro bus station, found out where it was, and headed that way to try and catch a ride to the city limits. When I arrived there was a woman and three of her children waiting for their bus. The woman was talking on a cell phone and I overheard bits of the conversation.