Helping teachers help students learn.
Affirm less evil and mare love in the world.
Helping teachers help students learn.
Affirm less evil and mare love in the world.
Dartmouth, MA
United States
Raising kind, caring kids
Building bridges will help create a more peaceful more just world where all life can thrive.
United States
I performed CPR on a stranger.
To help the project.
Jefferson, MA
United States
I have hosted a non-profit fundraiser to raise money for the PMC, Dana Farber and cancer research. I have done this for the last three years.
I am participating because I am a pacifist and I honestly believe that if you are kind to others good things and happiness will come to you.
Portland, ME
United States
Trying to share music, positivity, compassion and authenticity with everyone possible.
Labels are something we give to people with asking consent. Often we do not truly know someone's label and when we do label them we wrongly label.
I attend the Lincoln Square Peace Vigil on Tuesdays from 4 to 5 pm each week holding a sign that reads "Grandmothers for Peace".
I like your idea.
United States
I try to always help those in need, whether it be financial, emotional, or spiritual, regardless if they are family, friend, casual acquaintance, or total stranger.
Eastford, CT
United States
I like to make people think about the world around them in unique ways, usually (and hopefully!) cheering them up at least a little in the process.
It seemed like a fun and very profound way to show individuals as interesting and good people.
Holden, MA
United States
I give to others to make sure they are happy, especially my baby sister. When I saved up $6 to spend, I couldn't just spend it all on myself, so I bought her a butterfly net.
(Lincoln's Mom, Katrina): Lincoln is the most caring and empathetic person I know. If anyone epitomizes the definition of being "not evil," it is him. He's an inspiration.
I founded an annual free softball clinic for underprivileged girls of Worcester, MA. As an admission fee, we collect either canned goods or stuffed animals to donate to local shelters such as Why Me and Abby's House.
Because not everyone is evil. :)