I'm always there for my friends
Straight Stereotypes Redefined
I listen to my friends problems and give them advice
I am participating because the word "evil" has been glorified to the point where there is no standard definition
Boston, MA
United States
I gave homeless people in Boston all of the clothes in my closet and in return I got to see the joy on people's faces when they got unexpected gifts
Shrewsbury, MA
United States
I've done volunteer work for my church
Bellingham, MA
United States
I found someone's wallet and returned it to them
Because I wanted to participate
Worcester, MA
United States
Last spring I traveled to Utila, Honduras to volunteer at an endangered iguana breeding facility. I was only there for a week but it changed my life for the better. It made me realize we are all connected and that we need to keep this world a great place for us and for future generations to come.