I volunteer at my town's library.
Teenager Stereotypes Redefined
Blackstone, MA
United States
I volunteered all summer at Landmark Medical Hospital.
People always comment on these certain labels on why I am excluded from things, when I am and reasons for my actions. When yes these labels do describe me but aren't always why I do things.
Blackstone, MA
United States
I go around trying to help people with the technology world every day.
Leicester, MA
United States
I opened my heart to any friend who wants to talk, who needs advice, or a shoulder to lean on.
Think Evil but Don't Do Evil!
Southborough, MA
United States
I work as a writing tutor in my high schools writing center to help people realize what they like about writing.
I'm taking a class called silenced voices and it's all about not judging people by their labels, like their skin color or gender, and this project exemplifies the goal of the class.
I help tutor other students who are struggling in math.
Giving advice to a friend.
Brookfield, MA
United States
Setting up an event in my building that's a can food drive
Union City, CA
United States
I volunteered for my brothers science in the dark fair and taught kids how to make a few science experiments such as bottle rockets propelled by pressurized water.
I wanted to see what would happen.