Fitchburg, MA 01420
United States
Give people 'Spaces of Grace' to be themselves.
Fitchburg, MA 01420
United States
Give people 'Spaces of Grace' to be themselves.
Leicester, MA 01524
United States
Me and my best friend started a project earlier in the pandemic. It was called ‘a new friend project.’ We made handwritten get well cards and sent them to our local hospitals (that accepted donations) with covid patients. Each card would have a picture on the front and a note inside which always ended ‘from a new friend.’ We also created an Instagram page and a website to encourage others to participate. We both wanted to do something nice for those who were struggling, and let them know they...
Worcester, MA 01610
United States
I've spent the last few years teaching (and learning!) creative writing, drama, and ESL with Worcester youth and young artists in the city - it's some of the most fulfilling work I've had the privilege of engaging with, and why I am excited about my future career as an educator.
Auburn, MA 01501
United States
Helped package 3,000 PPE Covid kits.
West St Paul, MN 55118
United States
I give platelets and make masks for others.
Worcester, MA 01602
United States
Supporter of the Worcester Together fund
Lynn, MA 01902
United States
Encouraging people to vote in November.
Auburn, MA 01501
United States
I am working as a caregiver for seniors in need.
Lancaster, MA
United States
I volunteer at the First Church in Sterling as a Sunday school teacher.
Holden, MA
United States
Donating blood regularly.
Get to know someone before you label them or before you judge them by their labels.