Brighton, MA
United States
I volunteer at a summer camp on weekends to help with maintenance of the property and to give tours to new families.
Brighton, MA
United States
I volunteer at a summer camp on weekends to help with maintenance of the property and to give tours to new families.
Worcester, MA
United States
I always try to give to people less fortunate than me. Mom says I have a good heart, and I should be proud of that
I help out old people
I feel bad for them because they can't do everything.
Worcester, MA
United States
I donate my out-grown baby clothes
Worcester, MA
United States
Organ Donor
United States
I volunteer at a shelter near my school once a week so the homeless children who are staying at the shelter can have time and space to play around and simply be kids.
Because I believe that the way a person looks should never stop you from finding out his or her story.
Worcester, MA
United States
try to teach other girls how to play basketball and help my team mates
to show the world that anxiety can be defeated
I volunteer as a Sunday School teacher for over five years
To spread awareness on the labels we see and don't see in people
Newington, CT
United States
I love to give Holy Communion to a woman nearby who is not able to get to church and sit and chat with her once a week about everything.
Worcester, MA
United States
Taking care of my dad and helping others stand up for themselves.
Some labels last, but life gives light to truth.