
To prove that labels don't define who you are, but rather you determine what you want to be. Lewis
I believe in the movement and have been miss judged all my life as we'll. Amanda
I love this concept and love that it is happening in Worcester. I'm so happy to be a part of this! Stephanie
I think that confronting stereotypes and seeing the good in others will help perpetuate peace around the world. Colleen
I am participating because I think this is a brilliant idea - I love the idea of showing people for who they are, and about how other's judge them. I hope this project spreads and blossoms, and goes national! Ariana
Some labels last, but life gives light to truth. Khrys
People have treated me like I don't matter or I'm not capable at my job because I'm young, blond, and a woman. I'm tired of being judged on artificial criteria instead of "the content of my character." I believe that if we are all just a little bit kinder the world would be an amazing place. Lauren
The idea of The No Evil Project is wonderful, I want to be apart of the good in the world. Others shouldn't be able to determine who you are. I want to forget all the general labels, and for people to come to their own conclusions about each other, and see the good in each other! Shannen
We are all different and should celebrate that fact that we are! Eric
To spread the idea that no one is evil, everyone is good and has done good deeds in their own way, and no one deserves to be judged by others based on the labels given to them, no matter if by others or by themselves. Jenna
I think it's a beautiful thing to see the good in every individual. Meghan
I support a project that proves we are all unique and we all deserve respect. Katherine
People often make judgments on first glance and have to be convinced otherwise by interacting with the person a while. And some people don't even interact, so changing their mind isn't even an option. That's sad. Julie
I think the most important is to learn respect and appreciation of others; not because of a religion, race, sex or any specific criteria; but because of simple coexistence. For me it derives from common sense. Anayansi
I think the message is great- there is no characteristic that determines the kind of person you are. Only your actions and intentions Diana
Another opportunity to help spread a positive message in an increasingly negative world. James
This project is terrific and I'm very happy to contribute to it! People are strange and unique and wonderful, and everyone should be celebrated for these differences not judged! Alison
This is a fascinating project. I couldn't pass up the chance to add my voice to help raise the visibility of transgender people in our community. Michelle
It's a good cause and I like what it stands for. I've been judged wrongly because I'm shy, because I choose to have tattoos, because I was young when I had my boys. It's no fun to be judged on outwards appearances. Irene
To show people that you can NEVER judge a book by its cover. I want to show my two daughters that they can be proud of who they are, no matter what others say or how they may be judged. Hopefully, when they are older, they won't be discouraged by being different and independent. Because, those are the ones that make this world amazing. Sarah
Because I think we should be accepting of each other regardless of what or who they are Lynne
I think this is a fantastic project that allows us to break through and show our humanity. There aren't enough labels to define us since we are each unique and special in our own way. Each one of us has the ability to compassionately reach out and do something good. There are so many layers to each and everyone of us yet we are all essentially the same... human, flawed, unique. Julianne
I like the No Evil Project concept that promotes the fact that what makes us special and unique are our differences! Lynn
I have faith that deep down, people are good. This project celebrates that idea :) Rebeccah
I teach salsa dancing and people of all races, creeds and colors walk through my door with the same goal..so I believe that despite our diversity, our differences , we all want the same things out of life....to live happily. Ray
It seemed like a fun and very profound way to show individuals as interesting and good people. Wayne
To encourage people to look outside their labels and accept those around them. Luci
I am participating in the No Evil Project because I am proud of who I am and I want everyone else in the world to see me as I do. I also love this project and what it stands for overall. Erin
I like what this project stands for and I am so happy to be a part of it. Kaitlyn
Diversity is the most interesting aspect about everything we do as human beings. No matter who you're with, the people around you will always have at least one thing that makes them unique. These differences should be embraced and shared with the world, not shut down and suppressed. It is difficult, at times, to look at humanity and see anything besides hate and intolerance. A number of tragedies have occurred in my lifetime, but I believe that in times like these, it is crucial to try to find the silver lining in people. In light of recent events in Boston, a comedian, Patton Oswalt, said an incredible thing: "So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear or just garden-variety misogyny, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, 'The good outnumber you, and we always will.'" No evil :) Jordan
I am participating in the No Evil Project because it is a wonderful outreach effort to spread diversity in the local community. Everyone is different, unique and special. This is an important cause that has made me look at diversity in ways I never thought possible. I am proud of my friend Erin Williams who is passionate about the cause. Matt
I truly believe that there is at least a little bit of good in everyone, so I really believe in what this project promotes. Rebecca
I am participating in this inspiring project to encourage everyone to see the good in the world, not only in the positive times, but more importantly in times of chaos, tragedy, and struggle. I choose to believe in the good in people and in the world, and I hope everyone else will too! Megan
Anyone can do good things, even if it's smiling to someone on the street or holding the door open for someone walking behind you. These small things have a profound impact on the lives of others and people often overlook them. I wish that people wouldn't overlook the small things because they add up. Stephanie
I am participating in the No Evil Project because they've done an awesome job putting into action the sentiment that I've long felt. Our differences should be celebrated, not tolerated or bullied. We are each of us unique but still all part of the same human race - brothers and sisters in this together. Michelle
I am participating because I believe it is important to show folks that anyone can be more than just a label. Kerry
The No Evil Project is a creative way to engage others in examining and understanding how pernicious stereotypes can be. In my case, people are surprised to discover that this "grandmother" is energetic and professionally active; that "feminist" to me just means "working for equality;" and that this "philanthropist" is not a rich white man. Paola
Because I've seen how much labels can hurt someone and how they get in the way of really getting to know and understand another person. Nancy
Because this is an incredible project that focuses on the positives in everyone and helps to extinguish stereotypes. Barbara
Thank you for spreading joy and optimism! Mary
I wish for the world to consider that some of the negative stigmas attached to Native Texans are untrue. Often, Native Texans are highly intelligent, open-minded, and generous people who care deeply about the various challenges of our collective world. It has been my personal experience that persons from New England have judged me in a negative manner based upon the fact that I was born and raised in the State of Texas. T. Everett
I think this is a wonderful project, really showing that "labels" do not make a person. Actions make a person. Megan
Judging a person through a label doesn't allow for knowing them for what's on the inside. Here, it's fun to wear our labels with pride! Grace
I think it's good to try and show how labels effect people. I have been called and labeled many things while in truth I'm just me! Kailyn
I do not like to advertise everything I do to help others. The smiles and positive emotions that have resulted are the best rewards. However, the world can be a difficult place at times and needs a place to turn to. This project, and this site, can be a centralized point of good and the good in others. Sometimes people need to know that there is good out here and the encouragement to be and do good themselves. Someone once said, "The world will not change me, it is up to us, to change the world". Even if that is one person, one day at a time. It is too easy to be overwhelmed with the negative around us. There needs to be a place to turn without evil. Jeff
To be part of a project which shines a light on the good things people do which make the world a better place. Marsha
A label is like the title of a book, it never gives a good description. Multiple labels are like the synopsis on the back; better, but it only gives an general introduction. Both tend to be accurate, but neither tell the full story, and neither do it justice. Angela
This project makes sense. Our world perception has been revolving around how we perceive things/people as opposed to getting acquainted with things/those around us. Let's work to fix that! Giovanna
Because it is a great project and I think it is great to interject some humor in everyone's lives. Bruce
Judging and labels. Why are people so quick to form negative opinions of each other?! I'm guilty of worrying what others think of me. This is a way to breakaway from those constraints. I'm me with no apologies or regrets. :D Mei Lee