Worcester, MA
United States
I play the ukulele for the pediatric patients and make them smile and sing along .
To have fun and promote the healing power of the Ukulele .
Here is a collection of 6132 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!
5341 - 5350 of 6132
Worcester, MA
United States
I play the ukulele for the pediatric patients and make them smile and sing along .
To have fun and promote the healing power of the Ukulele .
I teach Sunday School to adorable children!
I am an artist/designer myself and always support other artists in their work!
Worcester, MA
United States
I share the food I cook with friends and neighbors.
This project is a great way for people to show how labels are just words and not definitions.
Worcester, MA
United States
I am a high school math teacher. I teach classes for students who have recently arrived in the United States, primarily from Latin America. Many of my ELL students have limited former schooling. I provide a classroom environment for them that is safe and supportive. I am a source of encouragement for them to meet their goal of graduating from high school and pursuing their dreams.
I believe in this project and the founder.
Worcester, MA
United States
I co-lead a Girl Scout troop for a group based in Princeton, MA.
The Worcester Commission on Disability met Troy at our one of our recent meetings. It was so nice to hear about a way that the community can come together -- and work to help dispel stereotypes.
Worcester, MA
United States
I volunteered at the food bank
Because I think we should be accepting of each other regardless of what or who they are
Worcester, MA
United States
I make a conscious effort to smile and greet passing strangers throughout the day.
worcester, MA
United States
I am working to place homeless individuals in homes, and follow-up with them to make sure they have health care and other safety nets.
To help promote the awareness of this unique project
Worcester, MA
United States
I guess my good deed that shines above all was being a foster parent for over 9 years. I helped raise, mold and redirect young lives between the ages of 9 to 18. It is an experience I certainly will not forget.
I teach salsa dancing and people of all races, creeds and colors walk through my door with the same goal..so I believe that despite our diversity, our differences , we all want the same things out of life....to live happily.
I participate on the board of the New England Educational Opportunity Association, working alongside educators and policy makers to advocate for access to and success in postsecondary education for low-income, first generation college students. It is of special importance to me to help ensure opportunities for success for all who seek it, regardless of roadblocks set in the way.
I have faith that deep down, people are good. This project celebrates that idea :)
Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!