Boston, MA
United States
I give away free smiles on purpose!
Here is a collection of 6133 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!
301 - 310 of 6133
Boston, MA
United States
I give away free smiles on purpose!
Newton, MA
United States
Work with victims of violence.
Cambridge, MA
United States
Coach special olympics basketball
I like to challenge stereotypes. Things are never as they appear.
Dorchester, MA
United States
I shared and gave a ball to a new friend at the beach.
Dorchester, MA
United States
I participated in an altruistic program and I made a nice wooden block toy for teachers who don't get noticed much.
Dorchester, MA
United States
Helping grieving kids and teens support each other, and share their stories, adn spread compassion.
United States
I help people balance their energies, bringing them calm and peace of mind in the service of the greater good.
In support of your work.
Newtonville, MA
Estados Unidos
Me gusta sonreir con las personas.
Me parece divertido.
Newtonville, MA
Estados Unidos
Me gusta ser amable con otras personas. Me gusta ayudar.
Me gusta hacer caras graciosas.
Newtonville, MA
Estados Unidos
Me gusta ser voluntaria en diferentes actividades.
Me parece un proyecto gamal.
Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!