United States
Paid for eye surgery for a child whose mother couldn't afford it.
United States
Paid for eye surgery for a child whose mother couldn't afford it.
Fighting as hard as I can for those who need me to.
Worcester, MA
United States
Everyday I try to perform one small act of kindness towards anyone, whether it may be big or small.
Taking the time to get to know, appreciate, and love people is the best, instead of making judgments based on their "labels."
Worcester, MA
United States
Stated my own non-profit (Young Parent Hope) to support teen parents and their babies.
To show others not to judge people! You never know what someone is going through or who they are inside.
Worcester, MA
United States
I am an outlet to my friends, family and even strangers to come to and ask questions regarding safe sex and the LGBTQ community. I was the first person one of my friends came out to.
I have never had negative labels. I created and publicly identified by my own words and actions my whole life. Labels describe me; my personality, my orientation, my gender identity, how I see the world, but I never let them define me.
Rutland , MA
United States
Single parent of special needs young adult, animal activist, all lives matter
Because there's love and good in everything if we seek it
Worcester, MA
United States
Too many times when I'm driving around, there's someone on a corner in need, holding up a a sign about being homeless, or in dire circumstances. Rarely do I have cash or change, but usually have snacks. I offer something to eat or drink that hasn't been opened. On the few ocassions that I haven't had anything suitable to offer, I have at least opened the window to say hello instead of ignoring them. And I make sure my kids understand the importance of acknowledging those that might need our help.
I've brushed off the impact of what the labels I've been given or incurred, mostly. But it can still sting when flung at someone as a dig. And it's so important to recognize your good and your deeds.
United States
Whenever my grandfather needs help, I'm always there for him. Also, I always help my mom around the house, and I've tutored young and older kids. Lastly, I babysit.
United States
I like to compliment people a lot because I feel like it really makes a difference to someone's day knowing that someone likes their shirt or if they look cute today in general.
People should never be judged just by their labels, being a victim of this beforehand, I felt the need to participate in this.
Worcester, MA
United States
I am currently involved in the E.P.O.C.A Organization
I want to start a stop the violence campaign to Promote peace and end gang Violence in Worcester MA. I believe this is a great start for us to stand together as a community.