I help people who struggle with mental crises with my friends.
Animal Lover Stereotypes Redefined
Dudley, MA 01571
United States
I have held benefits for cancer patients, family, and another for a teen that was in an accident and became paralyzed.
Nipmuc Indian
I place flags on veterans graves during Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
I lead my scout troops as a guide, a leader, and a friend, showing them the path through the challenges.
Worcester, MA
United States
I help people out whenever I can.
West Brookfield, MA 01585
United States
When people are sad, I make them happy. I try to make them laugh or smile.
Brookfield, MA 01506
United States
Standing up for kids I barely know at school and giving them confidence when they're feeling down.
To help spread love.
United States
Helping people to their cars.
Southbridge, MA
United States
I have helped many people get jobs to provide a better life for their families
So coworkers can get to know a little about me and me about them!
I donate to ASPCA every month