Animal Lover Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 291 - 300 of 386

United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I am an animal lover and tend to be that mom that shrugs her shoulders and says ok to her sons when they ask to bring in a new animal. The biggest rescue I had was before my boys. I had moved into a new place and discovered the woman who lived there prior was feeding the local cats. 31 to be exact. Through help from my local rescue, we caught them all and had them neutered. I couldnt accept that the rescue told me they just releases them back in the wild, so I found homes for each and every cat. When you see a stray it probably needs help.

United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I try to go out of my way to show people how I feel about them. I send little gifts just to let them know they are in my thoughts.

Why are you participating?

I wish people were willing to accept differences and realize we have to all be here together. Why not make it a better place?