Bookworm Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 101 - 110 of 147

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Provide support for numerous diversity events and causes, including the MLK Breakfast, MLK Golf Tournament, Stand Against Racism, Hispanics Achieving and Celebrating Excellence, Diversity Fares, etc.

Why are you participating?

It's a fun yet meaningful way to call attention to the hurt that can be caused by stereotypes. Good opportunity to pause a moment to consider the truth that all people are valuable and add richness to the world.

N. Brookfield, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I helped a women with her parking garage ticket, the machine ate it. I start random conversations with people and I listen to them. I let the weary Mom with three young children go to the front of the very long pharmacy line.

Why are you participating?

There is always a story. A label is but a small piece of the whole and a person could be dismissed by a mistakenly placed label.

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

For the past four years, I've been working with a mentoring group run by undergraduate women at Clark called All Kinds of Girls. We spend time with 9-12 year old girls from the Worcester community and give them a safe space to express themselves and develop who they are as young girls and women, promoting self-esteem and nonviolence. Right now, I'm serving as the AKOG librarian, so I'm trying to expose girls to books about strong women, both fictional and real, that they can learn from. I look forward to my time with these girls every week!

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I make friends with everyone at my school - and stand up for them if they are being bullied. Everyone deserves to feel safe and feel they have a friend who has their back.

Why are you participating?

Because Troy asked me and I think it is a very cool idea. Thank you.

Holden, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I'm a volunteer for Why Me & Sherry's House, a nonprofit organization that benefits and creates activities and fun events for children and families effected by cancer.

Why are you participating?

I wanted to participate because I believe in equal treatment for everyone - no matter they're interests, looks or beliefs. Everyone is special and has something to offer the world.

United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

For a number of years I have volunteered as a tutor through the House of Peace and Education. Through them, I have provided knowledge, a listening ear, emotional support, and care to hundreds of underprivileged children. I have made myself available to any child in their program who needs a trusted adult and/or a positive role model in their life. I have worked hard for them to know that they matter and are important. I've done this by telling them, and by demonstrating it in different ways. I have given them fun activities to do, and taught them things at the same time.

Lancaster, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I save every stink bug that gets stuck in the house. My friends know this and always tell me if there is ever one on the bus. I'm the only one that will touch them.

Why are you participating?

I want to show the world that "onlies" can be loving, selfless, and independent, and that we need to see beyond the historical labels.