help out with my school garden.
rejection because of labels is becoming a big issue. i want to make a difference for other people that have been judged or rejected.
help out with my school garden.
rejection because of labels is becoming a big issue. i want to make a difference for other people that have been judged or rejected.
I donated $60 to a cancer fund.
Always supported
Milton, MA
United States
I was responsible for implementing a program in my high school against bullying in secondary schools.
I am participating because I believe it is extremely important for leaders around the U.S. to be involved.
Leominster, MA
United States
I help take care of my sister.
I work hard to be the best mom and wife I can be!
Worcester, MA
United States
I smile at everyone, even if I don't like the or know they don't like me. I know when I walk away either they are smiling too or just puzzled to why I smiled at them in the first place.
Worcester, MA
United States
I like to go on volunteer trips to experience new cultures and help people in need.
Woodstock, CT
United States
Volunteer for the Salvation Army, Relay for Life and donate blood to the Red Cross.
I like what this project stands for and I am so happy to be a part of it.
I try to spread my positivity! =)
Good overpowers evil.