Philadelphia, PA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed
Helping women give birth every day on the labor floor.
Why are you participating?
I believe the world is full of good deeds
Philadelphia, PA
United States
Helping women give birth every day on the labor floor.
I believe the world is full of good deeds
Worcester, MA
United States
I try to do little things to make people smile everyday. I like to give people compliments; people try to look good or do nice things and they like it when other people notice. If you make one person feel good, they turn around and do the same thing to others. Its nice just to see other people be happy.
United States
I always help my lil brother because he can't see too good. I love when we go to events and there are lot of people who can't see there. I always help them get stuff, and pet their dogs.
My mommy wants me to! I also know everyone seems different, but really we are the same.