Teacher Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 61 - 70 of 138

Somersett, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I inspire young children to become kind human beings.

Why are you participating?

This is great initiative that I hope to piggy-back when I get back to work!

Maynard , MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I am a community servant by nature. I love helping others and teaching others how to give back. It is so important to lend a helping hand where ever and whenever you can. Kindness and compassion is what makes the world go around.

Why are you participating?

Everyone has something to offer the world. We are all equally important to the make up of a community. I believe that we need to know and learn from each other and always be willing to give a little to the people around us.

Norwich, CT
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I work for three religious organizations between two school and being a church organist. I donate and give support to as many charitable activities they have sponsored as possible. In the past the list has included giving to the local food pantry, donating to families with special needs, being a Christmas "Angel" by providing gifts for children, knitting for the homeless. I also spend time talking with strangers - at the store, on the street. I find people enjoy the interaction. Just saying a warm "good morning" can brighten someone's day.

Why are you participating?

As a teacher I see many different views from many different age groups. The youngest are the best at saying exactly what they feel and often get things way before the adults. As a musician I hear - a lot - I keep my mind open. As a mother I want only good things for my children.

Westborough, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I wanted to be a better father than mine was. I wanted to be a good and reliable husband. I work at my local food pantry. I believe that I have talked 5+ young people out of committing suicide.

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I teach new-comer immigrants that come to the US for a better life. All kids deserve a chance to have a better life and I love giving them a proper education.