No Evil Project Photos Online Gallery

Here is a collection of 6130 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!

6081 - 6090 of 6130

Tell Us Your Good Deed

When I am walking around, I always try to make eye contact with people and smile. You never know who is having a bad day and a friendly smile is always nice to see.

Why are you participating?

I am participating because I feel it is important to recognize that no matter what social groups you belong to or self-identify with, we all are capable of doing good.

Portland, OR
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

A teenage boy once told me that it was my belief in him that helped him become the first in his family to graduate. I coach people to define their own success and volunteer with an organization that provides 6 months of life coaching to women in need. I smile at strangers because you never know what kind of day they're having, and sometimes presence is what changes everything.

Paxton, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I gathered random folks together, a few years ago, to open a discussion on civility (or lack of it/divisive politics, etc.), to come together to find commonality, and support those who are out there working to break down stereotypes in our community.

Why are you participating?

It's the little things we do that make the difference

United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

After receiving the Eucharist, I encountered a blind beggar on the streets of Madrid. I took her hand and told her "God bless you" in Spanish. The simple yet compassionate gesture struck a chord in both her and my own heart. Our socioeconomic barriers were breached and it was as if she was looking right at me. I was moved to tears as I departed, realizing it was not I who took her hand.

Why are you participating?

One step closer to world peace and the universal realization that "we're all just one big family."

Worcester, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I try to do little things to make people smile everyday. I like to give people compliments; people try to look good or do nice things and they like it when other people notice. If you make one person feel good, they turn around and do the same thing to others. Its nice just to see other people be happy.

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Working with inner city children, keeping them smiling

Why are you participating?

To be a strong role model for the girls I work with everyday. Teaching them that it is great to be different, creative, strong and happy!

Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!