United States
I like being funny for my friends that feel down and need a friend.
Here is a collection of 6133 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!
3951 - 3960 of 6133
United States
I like being funny for my friends that feel down and need a friend.
St. Paul, MN
United States
I'm a 10 year recovering addict who hit rock bottom and have climbed back to be a good member of society, and have helped others with their problems with addiction.
Outstanding program created by my wife's cousin.
St. Paul, MN
United States
I recently went to Costa Rica on a mission trip. We helped with building the foundation of a new community center. So the kids have a safe place to go to.
Milford, MA
United States
I sometimes pay for the driver behind me in the DD drive thru.
I am participating because I think labels are too often negative, and that by labeling ourselves, we can show a more positive side to the whole thing!
There's a biblical story about our names being changed when we lose our earthly life, and it'll be printed on a white stone, for only us to see. (Revelations 2:17) In my hands I see my new name, clear as day - "Joy Maker". Whether I'm tossing rubber rats with kids, doing magic tricks in liquor stores, or randomly asking a stranger if a prayer is needed for them- it's all the same result: bringing a sparkle to someone's soul, while paying attention to their true value. Everyone's journey is so different. This one is mine.
I consider this project as a medium for people to reflect inside, to have courage to admit their own uniqueness, and to use those God-given qualities to lighten up a world that needs it.
Worcester, MA
United States
To be volunteering in daughter's school.
Millville , MA
United States
I work in early childhood education for minimal pay in downtown Worcester.
I love the idea of being celebrated for differences instead of shamed for them.
Worcester , MA
United States
I’m a flight attendant and I like to make the mom of young children feel special when she’s on my flight. Flying with young children is SO hard and many people give you a hard time or even worse they don’t see you as a person. Just an inconvenience. I like to acknowledge them in some small way. Maybe it’s just a smile and a kind word. Maybe a mimosa to celebrate Mother’s Day.
Speaking out for those who are oppressed. Having a voice for the population of people who struggle in the lower economic class.
To build unity.
I try to motivate and encourage others to be the very best version of themselves that God designed them to be. To put God first and live a life of love.
I want to be able to help to broadcast the importance of love and equal rights for all races by standing against racism even through this platform.
Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!