Helping others.
Parent Stereotypes Redefined
Framingham, MA
United States
Facilitating a freshmen group in which students have a voice in the school. The restorative justice program has helped students problem solve, persevere, and collaborate with staff/principals.
I am a firm believer in the community coming together for a common goal.
Raised ten children, all mine, who are contributing or have contributed to the well being of the planet.
I volunteer - for many different organizations.
It is a good idea.
North Oxford, MA
United States
To faithfully visit and engage with my elderly relatives as they become increasingly homebound or in long-term care facilities. The visits would also include members of our extended family and that has made an impact on me growing up. Frequently I would include my family to allow them to see the special woman I married, Audrey, and the two wonderful girls we are blessed to have.
Sutton, MA
United States
When I was a kid, under 9 years old, I saved another child from drowning in a pool during a summer program.
I find this project interesting in so many ways. One is to see how I might have chosen a different label for someone based on my life experiences and perspective. Another is to see how the label might change my idea of who they are.
Lunenburg, MA
United States
I am an active member of the HAI community, whose mission is: The Human Awareness Institute (HAI) empowers individuals to be potent, loving, contributing human beings. HAI promotes personal growth and social evolution by replacing ignorance and fear with awareness and love.
This project is Unconditional Love in action.
United States
Supporting my students' request to bring Rachel's Challenge to my high school made a significant change in the culture of the school. Every month, "random acts of kindness" filled the school and created an atmosphere of respect and support. Listening to the voices of my students resulted in many good deeds and brought about positive change for an entire school community.
Respect and acceptance of all individuals makes our family, community and country the great place it is today. Supporting this initiative should be a priority for all citizens.