Worcester, MA
United States
Helping others.
We need to let people know that we are still here and we all don't look like the full bloods.
Worcester, MA
United States
Helping others.
We need to let people know that we are still here and we all don't look like the full bloods.
Being a trustworthy auntie to whoever needs one.
I am always willing to help anyone.
Dudley, MA
United States
Volunteering to pre, cook, and serve food to the homeless.
Be kind!
N. Brookfield, MA
United States
Help anyone I can and treat others with respect.
The project means a lot for many groups.
Worcester, MA
United States
I make the world smile
I'm a lesbian
Anchorage, AK 99504
United States
I've been donating to local charities that are supporting others who may be struggling financially due to the economic impacts of Covid and trying to shop locally owned businesses when possible.
Gloucester, MA 01930
United States
I'm calling family, friends and neighbors to make sure they are ok.
Worcester, MA
United States
I volunteered alongside . many other survivors to assist women who suffer from homelessness, abuse and trauma from these problems and more. I now work as a recovery specialist working with many women to support them and myself through our journey in recovery.
Stigma against addiction.
My cousin and I are going to be volunteering to a shelter for the animals in the winter. I'm excited it should be a nice experience.