I donate clothes and shoes with life left in them.
Spiritual Stereotypes Redefined
I gave brownies to the study abroad adviser on the day that the applications were due :) She's wonderful and has helped me a lot. I wanted to give her something in return for all that she does.
Because this is so important!!
Shrewsbury , MA
United States
I love the people in my life. I don’t kill bugs or other creatures.
Peace is essential for survival of the human race.
Rutland , MA
United States
Single parent of special needs young adult, animal activist, all lives matter
Because there's love and good in everything if we seek it
Worcester, MA
United States
Supporting my brother in his sobriety
Worcester, MA
United States
I helped children living in a shelter to create self portraits.
Because this send s a positive message
Worcester, MA
United States
Martha has passed... but is missed terribly because she was fun loving and generous and open to life.
Worcester, MA
United States
Forgave when others would not, Love with no expectation of return, held on when others would let go and I never give up hope on brighter days ahead...
I believe in the goodness of all people. I believe it is the heart that makes us beautiful and not our outward appearance. I believe we are all here to help each other grow to our fullest potential. I believe we are all worthy of second chances.
Worcester, MA
United States
Small things...smiles and kind words to strangers, listening with compassion, always stretching to grow.
Every day is a chance to do small acts of kindness. When we keep our hearts open, we can all do good!
Wrentham, MA
United States
I was driving by a bus stop. It was pouring rain and there was a young woman standing without any covering. I turned around my car, went back, and gave the woman my umbrella to keep
We need a world-wide movement towards human connection, love, peace - it starts with you!