No Evil Project Photos Online Gallery

Here is a collection of 6130 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!

311 - 320 of 6130

Braintree, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I have been a Den Leader at Boy Scouts of America.

Why are you participating?

I am part of a Mexican (Aztek) group that keeps the teachings of our ancestors before the colonization of Spain in Mexico.

Waltham, MA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I inspire others to connect heart and head and work for the healing of our world.

Why are you participating?

Labeling doesn't help anything. Labeling is a nasty shortcut that partitions the world into 'me' and 'other', creating barriers to listening and understanding.

Don't see your photos here? Let's finish your set!