
The goals and the impact of the No Evil Project are by no means defined by the size of its budget. With careful stewardship, the organization maintained a healthy bottom-line and remained in the black, securing a balanced income from private donations and program income.

The organization created this year’s budget based on an aspirational income/expense total of $50,000. The fiscal goal of the institution is to reach this total within the next three years. For this coming year and years to follow, the Board will develop its budget based on the actuals of the prior year(s).

Of note: this first year, the organization reached its goal for individual support, a true testament to the power of the project. Representing the bulk of the income and expense lines, the program budget evidences the mission of the organization. With increased messaging and promotion, the organization looks to build a more robust roster of corporate and institutional supporters to encourage further growth and outreach.

H.N. Kurtz, Treasurer

Profit & Loss July 2018 - June 2019

Government Grants & Contracts 500.00
Individual Contributions 3,744.80
Interest Earned 1.71
Program Income 4,135.00
Sales of Product Income 745.04
Total Income $9,326.55
GROSS PROFIT $9,326.55
Advertising & Marketing 353.59
Bank Charges & Fees 10.14
Bank Charges - Fundraising 4.20
IT Services 348.39
Job Supplies 914.29
Legal & Professional Services 65.50
Meals - Entertainment 114.93
Meals - Promotional 180.47
Memberships 25.00
Office Supplies & Software 163.27
Postage & Delivery 570.54
Purchases 210.93
Staff Salary & Wages 3,438.43
Supplies & Materials - Exhibits 1,855.95
Supplies & Materials - Other 361.29
Taxes & Licenses 396.83
Travel 40.00
Total Expenses $9,253.75