Finance Report

COVID-19 impacted the No Evil Project programmatically, administratively and financially. Several projects planned for the spring and fall of 2020 were deferred or cancelled entirely resulting in lower than expected income and related expenses. Quick to respond to the federal CARES Act support, the No Evil Project was a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) recipient and secured funds to cover a portion of the Executive Director’s salary during lockdown. Additional support was received for programs for the Millbury Public Schools and the CIty of Salem for programming that was eventually deferred.

As with all non-profit institutions at this time, NEP planned the 2020-2021 budget based on the assumptions that COVID-19 will continue to limit programming offerings for the coming year and reduced the operational budget appropriately. Of note, in addition to the CARES Act funding, NEP submitted its first National Endowment for the Humanities grant to support technical upgrades. Notice of the award will be received by December 2020. While NEP looks forward to the time when public events and gatherings are once more scheduled, it will be seeking fundraising support to invest in more operational support and virtual programming.

— H.N. Kurtz, Treasurer

Profit & Loss: July 2019 - June 2020

Government Grants & Contracts 3,700.00
Individual Contributions 4,054.33
Interest Earned 2.96
Program Income 1,739.70
Sales of Product Income 38.00
Total Income $9,534.99
GROSS PROFIT $9,534.99
Advertising & Marketing 355.49
Bank Charges & Fees 5.30
Insurance 624.00
Internet Services 415.38
Job Supplies 651.43
Legal & Professional Services 168.00
Meals - Entertainment 35.79
Meals - Promotional 7.48
Memberships 225.00
Office Operating Expenses 784.02
Office Supplies 330.00
Postage & Delivery 42.40
Staff Salary & Wages 2,000.00
Taxes & Licenses 262.35
Travel 53.50
Total Expenses $5,960.14
NET INCOME $3,574.85