No Evil Project Photos Online Gallery

Here is a collection of 6130 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!

5801 - 5810 of 6130

Ramsey, NJ
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I work with autistic children through art and dance in order for them to find better ways to express themselves to the world. I love putting a smile on their faces and watching them do something they love.

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I have participated in many community service projects through my church including volunteering at soup kitchens. I also participate in the annual It's My Heart walk-a-thon to raise awareness about congenital heart defects in children.

Tell Us Your Good Deed

In high school, I went to Mali, West Africa and lived in an indigenous village for two weeks to help build a school. Mali is one of the poorest undeveloped countries in the world and the literacy rate is unbelievably low. I like knowing that I helped both children and adults learn to read and write which will help not only this small village, but Mali as a whole.

Why are you participating?

Sometimes we are too quick to judge people by the external things that we see. This project allows for us to see the good in the world and to breathe hope back into humanity.

Tell Us Your Good Deed

I went to a catholic high school and I consider myself religious. One great deed I can never forget is during high school, every Wednesday I went out into the community with my class mates to volunteer and perform service to the community. I went to an elementary school and worked in a classroom with autistic children. I gave the teachers an extra two hands to help out and play with the children. My goal each day was to put a smile on each one of their faces by the end of the day. (:

Tell Us Your Good Deed

Every day I try to do a good deed, whether it's holding a door for a friend, or smiling at a stranger. For me, I feel like it is the small things that really matter. You never know when someone is having a bad day, and your simple action can turn everything around. Why stop at the little things though? I'm a huge believer in Community Service. My most recent project was to volunteer at a local elementary school. Just showing up, giving those kids something to laugh about, and being a presence, can make a big impact down the road.

Why are you participating?

I'm participating in the No Evil Project because I want to show that I believe in the good all around us. For me it is an honor to be part of this collection, as each person with me truly believes as I do, that it is the good things in life that we must focus on. Why focus on the negative?

Richboro, PA
United States

Tell Us Your Good Deed

In middle school, I interviewed a Vietnam war veteran for a school project. As I interviewed him, he told me about his life and I realized he didn't really have many people left in his to visit or take care of him. For the next few years, I sent him letters and cards hoping it brightened his day and made him feel cared for.

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